Sunday, December 25, 2011

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On January 1, 2011, Medicare started the first phase of a new program for certain medical equipment and supplies, such as oxygen equipment and certain power wheelchairs, in nine areas of the country including Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Kansas City, Miami, Orlando, Pittsburgh and Riverside. The program will save billions of dollars for taxpayers and people with Medicare, while preserving consumer access to quality items and services from qualified suppliers.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? If Not, You'll Never Lose That Weight

!±8± Are You Getting Enough Sleep? If Not, You'll Never Lose That Weight

Are you getting enough sleep?

When you start studying sleep, the first thing you learn is that the experts don't seem to know too much. Not as much as you'd think anyway. There is one thing they do seem to agree on: most of us are chronically sleep deprived. And chronic sleep deprivation can destroy your health.

Generally speaking, most of us need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. A few need less, and a few need more. For the sake of this discussion, let's say that you in particular need 8 hours of sleep each night. What happens if you don't get it?

This is where the concept of sleep debt comes in. Every night that you get less sleep than you need, you go into what's called "sleep debt." You know how years of credit card debt can kill your finances? Well, sleep debt can pile up and really drain your body.

We'll come back to sleep debt in a second. But before we do, what exactly makes sleep so important?

The experts don't know much.

I don't really know. Neither do the experts. As always, theories abound. Some of them make more sense than others. The best one in my opinion goes a little something like this:

When you sleep, your body can divert the energy that it's usually spending on consciousness to other functions. These functions include (among other things) tissue repair, hormonal balancing, neurotransmitter production, and immune function. Immune function is the one that I'm most concerned with.

I touched briefly on this in the article "My Skirmish with Cancer" Here's a quote:

"... a lot of people get cancer. While the experts still don't agree why that is, there is much they do agree on. The prevailing theory these days is that all of us are constantly fighting malignant changes to cells in our bodies. Usually, your immune system can keep up and kill off cells that are turning bad.

You should minimize exposure to carcinogens, eat quality foods, work to reduce stress, and get sleep. I'll have much more to say about this in the future. Once you get a cancer, you have to be checked for the rest of your life to see if it's coming back. I plan to make sure it does not..."

So really, you're only as healthy as your immune system. While you sleep, your body fights off invaders, replaces immune cells that are spent, and generally undoes the damage that you exposed yourself to during the day.

When you're around the sloppy sneezer at the grocery store, some of that person's cold virus flew through the air, went up your nose and ended up in somewhere in your upper respiratory tract. The rest of that day, your body started to ready its defenses. Later that night, while you sleep, the immune system brought out the big guns.

If you get a good night sleep, and you should be fine. Your immune system has the chance to devote the proper resources to finding and destroying the viruses as they start to copy themselves. You'll wake up the next day with no idea anything even happened.

But if you don't get a good night's sleep, the virus may get the upper hand. It starts making copes of itself faster than your immune system can kill those copies off. You probably won't notice it the next day, but the day after that, you have a headache. Maybe you feel a little tired and indifferent. You head home that night, and it hits. The sneezing, the aches, the fever. What do you want to do? Nothing but go to sleep.

Sleeping your way to athletic greatness?

Tissue repair seems to be another important sleep function. This is particularly relevant to the athletic types, or those of you with chronic injuries.

Let's say you're someone who goes to the gym. After a hard workout, your muscles are beat up. There may be micro-tearing in the fibers, their local pH may be off, etc.

If you get a good night's sleep, your repair cells can do their jobs. It may take a couple of nights until the soreness goes away, but then you're ready for more.

If you don't get that rest, you move closer to over-training You may actually get weaker. You'll feel fatigued, and the nagging injuries start to pile up. If it goes on long enough, you may weaken your immune system, setting the stage for further problems.

"Make two hormones and call me in the morning... "

And what about those hormones? I can't get too deeply into this aspect of sleep because it's extremely complex. There are many hormones that play a part in regulating sleep, and are also regulated by sleeping (see, it's complex). These hormones include: histamine, GABA, glutamate, acetyl choline, orexin, noradrenalin, prolactin, serotonin, and melatonin, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, etc.

Let's talk about melatonin for a second, since you've heard about this one in the media. Again, I'm making a long story short here. When you start to fall asleep, serotonin in your brain is converted into melatonin.

Some people like to take melatonin to fall asleep. This might be a bad idea. Melatonin is involved in a hormonal "chain" that controls your sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen. So, it's entirely possible that by taking melatonin to help you sleep, you are messing with your natural hormonal balance. Since melatonin is sold a supplement in the US, it never had to be tested the way that prescription drugs are, therefore, no one has any idea if there are negative consequences to artificially elevating your melatonin levels.

I can tell you this, altering hormonal balance by taking pills almost always has a downside. Just look at steroids (testosterone) and estrogen replacement therapy. You may want to think twice about taking melatonin to help you sleep unless a professional is supervising you.

Back to sleep debt.

So, back to sleep debt. When you don't get enough sleep, your body falls behind on its immune functions, its tissue repairs, its neurotransmitter production, its hormonal balancing acts, and so on. And all this falling behind adds up.

Once again, for the sake of simplicity, lets assume you need 8 hours a night. On a particular Monday, you stay up until about midnight and set the alarm for 6 AM. You got 6 hours, but you just incurred a two hour sleep debt. Tuesday night, you fall asleep at 10, and wake up at 6 again. No added sleep debt, but you still haven't paid back those two hours you missed on Monday.

Wednesday night, you have a bottle of wine and the toss and turn until about 1 AM. Up at 6 the next morning, you just added three more hours to your sleep debt.

You immune system is falling behind. Your tissue repair is falling behind. You start to feel rundown during the day, so you're downing a lot of Starbucks. And it's only Wednesday.

Sleep debt seems to accumulate over a two week period, as far as the experts know. No one's really studied long-term sleep debt, so they aren't really sure what the implications are. At some point it must level off, or we'd all die of sleep deprivation. There almost certainly are long-term consequences to chronically short changing your immune system and repair systems. Hormonal imbalances are rampant and prevalent, and are directly related to lack of sleep.

So, what are you planning to do about it?

Your best strategy is to figure out if you need seven, eight, or nine hours of sleep each night. I used to think I was a six-hour-a-night guy, but then a little malignant fibromyxoid sarcoma managed to get past my immune system, so now I shoot for seven. I admit that I don't always get it.

The best way to estimate your sleep needs is to try to get 8 hours a night for a week. For most of us, that means getting to bed earlier. Then, you evaluate your daytime sleepiness, which is a good indicator of night time sleep deprivation.

If you get 8 hours a night and still feel sleepy, you might need nine hours a night, or you may be paying off sleep debt. Try a week of nine hours a night, and see how you feel.

If you have a very hard time falling asleep after the first few nights, you probably had sleep debt, and paid it off.

Stanford researchers also came up with a way to measure sleep debt, called the Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Basically, you measure how long it takes you to fall asleep, and use that information to estimate your level of sleep debt. Frankly, I'm not sure how accurate that concept is.

Here's the real point I'm driving home: Once you determine your sleep needs, you must come up with a sleep strategy to make sure you get close to the your nightly quota. This may mean addressing sleep disorders.


Simple insomnia is probably the most common sleep disorder. We probably all suffer bouts of insomnia from time to time. There are simple ways that you can start to fight insomnia. It all starts around dinner time.

You'd be surprised how important light is to your health. In the olden days, before Edison invented the light bulb, we mostly dealt with sunlight and candle light. Sunlight is bright, candles are dim. Complex interactions between your eyes and your brain turn daily variations in light levels into daily rhythms, or circadian rhythms. Bright light hitting the eyes tells your brain it's time to be awake.

Nowadays, we bombard ourselves with bright lights all day long. If you have trouble sleeping, this is the first thing to change.

As night sets in, don't blast all the lights in the house. Keep the levels moderate, and reduce them as you get closer to bed time. Install dimmers. They work.

Another source of very bright light and loud noises is the television. Ideally, you should never even turn the stupid thing on. We'll come back to that in a second.

Television is designed to stimulate you. The bright lights and loud noises actually subtly hypnotize your brain into staring dumbly at the screen by activating pleasure centers in your brain (the Limbic System). On top of that, the content of most of the crap that they put on TV is intended to cause a low-level "Fight-or Flight" response in your body.

Don't let the bottom-feeders ruin your health.

The worst offenders are the producers of local news. You see the promos. It's always something horrible like a kid getting attacked by a pit bull, or bird flu coming to kill us, or skyrocketing gas prices devouring your paycheck. Bottom-feeding local news shows are loaded with doom-and-gloom content intended to arouse your fears and curiosity. This may be interfering with your sleep.

The best bet is to turn the TV off at 9 PM, or avoid it all together. If you absolutely love those 9PM dramas, get a DVR and watch them at a different time. Or, watch comedies if you must watch TV. This will reduce the stress response that TV can cause. If nothing else, at least stop watching the news after 6 PM.

Many nights of the week, we don't bother turning the TV on in my house. It's amazing how peaceful things seem when it's not on. Try it.

Next take a look at your sleep environment. Is the bed comfortable? Is it too warm or too cold? Does too much light get into the room? Are there noises that keep you up? If these kinds of issues are affecting your sleep, making changes can dramatically affect the quality of your sleep, and dramatically improve your health.

Snoring is a serious medical condition.

Snoring can be a serious problem, as it can cause sleep apnea. This is something that a medical specialist should evaluate. Sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing during sleep. It's surprisingly common, and literally can kill you. That's what killed former NFL player Reggie White. Some people wake up hundreds of times a night because of sleep apnea. If you snore, or someone you knows snores, talk to a doctor about it. A snoring bed-partner can also seriously disrupt your sleep, so it should really be addressed.


Be very careful with both over-the-counter and prescription sleep drugs. These are powerful chemicals that affect your brain, often with side effects. You should always discuss these drugs with your doctor. If you take Tylenol PM every night to go to sleep, something's wrong.

Caffeine is another drug. If you consume too much caffeine, or consume it too late (after 11 AM) it may affect your sleep. If you're a coffee-pounding, perpetually sleepy insomniac, try cutting back to a couple of cups in the morning at the most.

Well, that's about all I want to say about sleep for now. Here are some books I've read and would suggest:

The Promise of Sleep, by William Dement

Lights Out, by T.S. Wiley

Rhythms of Life : The Biological Clocks that Control the Daily Lives of Every Living Thing, by Russell Foster

Remember, quality sleep can do wonders for your health. If you want to really make a big change in how you look, feel, and live, resolve to get more of it. If you want a more personal approach to improving your sleep, our Personal Programs take a good, long look at your sleep habits. You may also schedule a 45-minute initial consultation to discuss your situation. We'll look for the underlying causes of your troubled sleep, and you'll get several strategies to help you get the sleep you need to live stronger, leaner, and better.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only. Do not use this information for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Have any symptoms evaluated by a licensed doctor in your state.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? If Not, You'll Never Lose That Weight

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Buy Nuvigil (Modafinil) Online No Prescription.mp4

Modafinil(nuvigil) decreases extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders such as difficult/irregular breathing during sleep (eg, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome-OSAHS). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours for people with work schedules that interfere with a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder-SWSD). It is not known how modafinil works to increase wakefulness. It is thought to work by affecting certain chemicals in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle. Modafinil does not make up for lack of sleep and should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. This medication is not recommended for use in children. How to use Modafinil(nuvigil) Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before your start using modafinil and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food, usually once daily in the morning or as directed by your doctor. If you are using modafinil for shift work sleep disorder, take this medication 1 hour before you start your work shift or as directed by your doctor. If you are using this for apnea (OSAHS), continue your other current treatment (eg, CPAP machine) unless your doctor tells you to stop. Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy. Use this medication exactly as prescribed to get the most benefit from it ...

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Obtrusive and Central Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machines Discussed

!±8± Obtrusive and Central Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machines Discussed

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by a pause in breathing. This pause in breathing is involuntary - and the person is not even aware that at one moment in time, he forgot to breathe.

This breathing abnormality is caused by two things - and such a cause determines the kind of sleep apnea that the person is suffering from.

Obtrusive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

This type of apnea is the most common. As the name suggests, this occurs when there is an "obstruction" on the airway.

When you sleep, the muscles in your upper airway relax. You know that when muscles relax, they tend to collapse. Indeed, this is a natural occurrence. But there are dilator muscles that work to keep them from collapsing, so that the air passage remains clear. When the dilator muscles don't do their work effectively, that's when you have difficulty breathing, and sleep apnea occurs.

OSA is treated with the use of CPAP machines. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure. As such, CPAP machines provide a certain level of pressure - and keep it in that level - to prevent the muscles from blocking the airway.

The air pressure required by most patients ranges from 6 to 14 cm H20. Typical CPAP machines can deliver pressures at 4 to 20 cm H20. Of course, the pressure to be used in CPAP machines has to be determined by a specialist. This is established after a series of tests have been conducted. This is the reason why there has to be CPAP trials for new patients - to determine the "appropriateness" of the pressure introduced to them. Incorrect pressure could lead do more damage - than good - to the sleep apnea sufferer.

CPAP machines also come with masks to act as an interface between the person's airway and the source of the airflow pressure. Masks could either be nasal or full-face. CPAP full-face masks - in Toronto or elsewhere - cover the whole face, while nasal masks cover only the nose.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

This type of sleep apnea is caused by an aberration in the central nervous system (CNS). Simply put, the brain fails to properly signal your airways to breathe. The CSA is the less common type, and the more dangerous one. In contrast to OSA patients, those suffering from CSA wake up as a result of reduced levels of oxygen in the brain.

Of course, if you don't breathe, you will have less supply of oxygen, and more of carbon dioxide. The lack in oxygen will signal your lungs to suck in air, and for you to be able to do this, you have to wake up.

The field of sleep apnea is a well-researched one. The internet, for example, has loads of information about this disorder and CPAP machines. There are also a number of alternative treatments methods available, ranging from using dental devices to undergoing a surgery.

So if you suspect that you are suffering from sleep apnea, don't panic. It's not the end of the world.

Consult your doctor. And if it's really sleep apnea that you have, there are many treatment procedures to choose from.

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Obtrusive and Central Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machines Discussed

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Sleep Apnea Cures Do Not Have to Be Uncomfortable!

!±8± Sleep Apnea Cures Do Not Have to Be Uncomfortable!

You snore. There's nothing wrong with that; many people snore. However, a lot of folks don't realize that they snore for a medical reason. It's called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and not only does it prevent those around you from getting a good night's sleep, it can make your own sleep less restful. The medical community has a nice list of sleep apnea cures, but many of them are uncomfortable or ineffective, and some cures are both. The good news for you (and the person in bed with you at night) is that you have many different options to help ease the sleep apnea symptoms.

One of the most widely-prescribed sleep apnea treatments for people diagnosed with this sleep disorder is a CPAP mask. This is a pressurized system that helps keep your airway from being restricted while you sleep. This does the trick for some patients but let's face it - while OSA interrupts your rest, trying to sleep with a tight, noisy mask on your face may not let you get a restful night's sleep either.

There's also a surgical option, where your air passage is modified to help prevent its blockage while you sleep. As you can imagine, surgery isn't the most comfortable plan when it can be avoided, and in this case surgery doesn't even have a decent success rate.

Try to sleep like a scuba diver, or have a costly surgery that's not guaranteed to help one bit. Not the best options in the world, are they?

What most people don't realize is that there are more than just those two options in the world of sleep apnea cures. In fact, there are at least seven alternative treatments that are much more attractive than attempting to sleep in a tight CPAP mask that makes you sound like Darth Vader.

For example, are you overweight? Obesity is a leading cause of OSA, which means that a simple weight loss plan can not only improve your overall health and give you more energy, it can also help ease the effects of sleep apnea, which gives you even more of an energy boost once you start enjoying a solid night's restful sleep.

There are many different cures available to you. Within a couple of months of finding the alternative cure that works best for you, you could have the best night's sleep you've had in a long time. The trick is to find your sleep apnea cure and change your life!

Sleep Apnea Cures Do Not Have to Be Uncomfortable!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea

!±8± CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you wake up feeling un-rested? You might want to think about getting tested for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when you get so relaxed during sleep that the throat passage closes and you stop breathing until you wake yourself up. The word "Apnea" is derived from the Greek language meaning "without breath". People with this disease use a CPAP machine.

A CPAP machine is a small device that helps you breathe. It sits by your bedside and quietly sends air pressure through a tube into a mask attached to your face. The pressure will force air into your air passages and allow you to breathe evenly throughout the night without waking up.

CPAP machines, standing for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, were actually first invented while experimenting with household vacuums blowing air into patients' airways at different levels of pressure. Dr. Colin Sullivan invented them in 1981 at the University of Sydney in Australia. It helps with fatigue, blood sugar problems, blood pressure and other conditions. It also helps with snoring. If you have been known to rattle some doors then this machine may be able to help you by pressing back the soft tissue in your air passages.

If sleep apnea is not treated it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure or diabetes. If you notice yourself having symptoms such as difficulty focusing during the day, constant fatigue or if you experience irritability then you may want to get tested.

To be considered apneic, you have to stop breathing for at least 10 seconds per attack and have a blood oxygen desaturation level of three to four percent. If you stop breathing five or more times per hour then you can be diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. It is important that it is treated to prevent danger.

Of course machines like CPAP machines may not cure this disease for everyone. It can only help improve sleep to help reduce or prevent the risk of severe health problems. It may be uncomfortable, and take some getting used to but it is a good investment.

Some complaints from using this machine are discomfort, chafing, and claustrophobia. If you are uncomfortable because of the air pressure you will be able to adjust the level of pressure until you can work up to where you need to be for it to be fully effective. It does take some getting used to for many people. Chafing can be taken care of with nasal and facial cushions that attach to the mask. It might soften the sides of the mask so they don't dig in to your skin. Also, there are different styles, sizes and shapes of masks for you to try. Claustrophobia may take a little more effort. Try holding the mask up to your face without the strap at first until you can get used to it. Just nasal masks or masks just for your mouth may help you with feeling a little freer as well.

CPAP machines can save lives. It is just up to you whether you are willing to take the first step.

CPAP Machines For Sleep Apnea

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

What, When, Where and Why - Rent CPAP Machines

!±8± What, When, Where and Why - Rent CPAP Machines

As many of you know, there are many benefits to leasing properties, be it of the personal or the real property kind. This is also true when you rent CPAP machines.


Basically, when you rent CPAP machines, you can avail of the benefits of the heart of sleep apnea therapy without the expensive price associated with said machines. Plus, you can choose from three types of lease arrangements, thus:

* A 7-10 days trial period that may either be completely free or for a nominal fee on the unit itself. You may also be required to shoulder the shipping and handling fees.
* A weekly or monthly rental period with lease payments starting at around a hundred dollars for the monthly arrangement.
* A rent-to-own agreement where you are basically paying the monthly amortization until you complete the tag price plus other installment fees.

When choosing from among these three options, consider the length of time you will be using the machine, the cost of renting for a few months against owning it outright, and your needs where the features of the mark and the machine are concerned.


Most retailers and manufacturers will offer rent arrangements in one form or another throughout the year. It is often a matter of scouring the Internet for the better deals in this regard. After all, you will still be spending your money on the rental fee so it had better be a good expense.

Also, you should consider renting the machine if and when your money is tight. You want to maximize your money even while you are treating your sleep apnea.


As previously implied, the Internet sites of the retailers and manufacturers are the best places to find good deals when you want to rent CPAP machines and masks. Just these keywords will yield thousands of results that you can choose from.

You may also ask your doctor for his referrals. You can even ask for discounts if the doctor is allied with the manufacturer! Of course, this is with the added advantage that your doctor will be able to recommend the best one for your needs, thus, lessening the time necessary to find the right machine for you.


Just to name a few of the important benefits when you decide to just rent CPAP machines:

* You can save money since the cots of renting over a short period of time is considerably lesser than the cost of owning it. And if you use your credit card to purchase the unit, you may just be slapped with all kinds of fees like the universal default charge that only adds up to the initial price.
* You can try out new technologies in sleep apnea treatment for a fraction of the cost.
* You can start treatment as early as possible without waiting for the insurance company to process your claims.

With this information, you should be able to come up with a wiser decision vis-...-vis purchase or rent CPAP machines.

What, When, Where and Why - Rent CPAP Machines

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